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The mission of Pitts Library is to enhance learning by providing resources for research and reading in an environment conducive for study and reflection.

Pitts Library houses a dynamic collection to support both teaching and learning for the certificates, associate, and bachelor degrees offered by Andrew College.  Pitts Library is an extensive gateway to periodicals, databases, films, internet resources, and books.  The library contains more than 39,000 volumes to support your educational experience.  Circulation resources, reserve and reference materials, local newspapers, dvds, and microforms are found in Pitts Library.  Computer access to the Andrew College library collection via World Cat and GALILEO (Georgia Library Learning Online) is provided both within the library and for all Andrew College students, both on and off campus.  The Andrew College Archives, a repository of information pertaining to the history of Andrew College, is located in Pitts Library.

Word of the Day

Facebook Follow us on Facebook for research tips, programming announcements/updates, and more.

Research Tools

LibGuides: Biology English Education Religion

Style Guides:
APA Reference Guide Wisconsin Website
APA Reference Guide Purdue Website
MLA Reference Guide Wisconsin Website
MLA Reference Guide Purdue Website 
Chicago Manual of Style Purdue Website
Chicago Manual of Style Online

Citation Generators:

Call Number Directory:

Pitts Library holdings are organized using the Library of Congress Classification (LCC) system. Click HERE for a comprehensive outline of all main and sub-classes.

Research Guide

Defining a Topic

How to Identify a Good Source

How to Cite a source

How to Make Interlibrary Loan Request

  • Make sure you have checked the Libraries Worldwide box in the AndyCat catalog to see holdings from other libraries. Click the Request Interlibrary Loan icon beneath an item’s Availability. Allow two weeks for the item to arrive, if possible.

How to Place Hold

  • Click the Place Hold icon beneath Availability for an item in the AndyCat Catalog. This will place you next in line for an item that is currently checked out.
Finding Resources
  • How to Search AndyCat
  • How to Search Databases
  • In addition to databases available through GALILEO, Pitts Library subscribes to nearly 50 GALE databases on topics ranging from pop culture to allied health. The interface looks different, but the same instructions for resource searching apply to these as those used in GALILEO and AndyCat.
    GALILEO Tutorials
  • These instructions also apply to Films on Demand, a digital video delivery platform with thousands of educational and primary source films.
  • Note that all database passwords can be obtained in student/faculty web resources, or by contacting a librarian.

Interlibrary Loan
Students, faculty, and staff may make interlibrary loan requests for items unavailable at Pitts Library. To do this, when searching the AndyCat catalog, make sure the box for Libraries Worldwide is checked. Requests for items can be put in by clicking the Request Interlibrary Loan icon. Beneath the item description. We suggest putting in ILL requests at least two weeks early if possible.

Kindle Loans
Students, Faculty, and staff may check out items on a Kindle. A user agreement form must be signed.

Technology Resources
Microsoft Suites

Group Study Room
Andrew College Archives

Library Hours of Operation

Fall and Spring Semester
Monday – Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Summer Semester
Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Hours for Fall and Spring Break, Final Exams, Holidays and Semester Breaks will vary. The changes will be posted at the Pitts Library.