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Living on Campus

The Residence Life Department provides a variety of hall services, educational programs, and activities that support students’ learning, personal growth, and academic achievement. We foster inclusive communities, create social and educational opportunities, and provide safe and well-maintained residences.

The residential experience is extremely important to the development of students at Andrew. Students taking less than 12 hours must seek permission of the Dean of Students to live on campus.

Residence Life provides a number of opportunities to get connected and make a difference at Andrew College. Our students tell us that they love being involved because it helps them to meet people from across campus, gives them opportunities to grow their leadership skills, and gives them the ability to make a positive impact on their community. Please visit the Residence Life Office today to learn how you can get involved.

Living on campus means you’ll get to know a close-knit group of friends who become as close as “real” family. Almost every student at Andrew lives in the college’s residence halls.


Click the box below for a list of suggested items TO BRING and a list of items that are NOT PERMITTED.

Residence Halls

We offer four residence halls; Fort, Mitchell, Rhodes, and Patterson Quads.

Fort Hall accommodates 142 students on three floors; and Mitchell and Rhodes Halls have two floors each and house from 76 to 92 students each.

Each of these residence halls have a “suite” configuration which means four students share a bathroom/shower. Suitemates also share a common television lounge as well as laundry and vending areas conveniently located in each hall.

Our newest residential living area are the Patterson Quads (4 houses). Respectfully, individual houses are named after former College Presidents; Alden, Caldwell, Hamilton, and Moore

Each House can accommodate 8 students within 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.  Additionally, each house is fully furnished with a mounted 43’ television, high table with stools, a kitchenette, microwave, refrigerator, and a stackable washer and dryer. 

All residence halls are staffed by a professional Resident Director who also has other duties on campus. In addition, each section of the halls has a Resident Assistant who provides peer assistance.

You’ll be excited to live in one of our four residence halls, as they all offer T-1 Internet connections and cable TV connections with 70+ channels. Residence hall lounges are wireless, so you can use your laptop while “hanging out” with your friends. Enjoy playing with PS4, XBox 360, Wii and even shoot pool or play table tennis in between classes in the residence hall lounges.

Every room also has a small vanity or sink, built-in closets, dressers and desks, desk chairs, as well as two twin beds with twin mattresses, mini-blinds, and independent HVAC units. Carpeting is not placed in any room, but students are encouraged to bring rugs.

Housing Assignments

New students will typically be notified of their housing assignment around the middle of July.  Typically, athletes will be placed together as roommates.  If your student has someone in mind they would like to have a roommate, both students would need to contact the Housing Office and request to be placed together.

More information can be provided by contacting the Residence Life Department at 229-732-5952 or

ESA Form

Sa and ESA Policy


Fall 2024

Move-In FALL 2024

Event: New Student (First Year) Move-in
Date:  August 15, 2024
Time:  9 AM to 12 PM and 1 PM to  3:30 PM
Location:  Residence Halls

Event:  Returning Student (Second Year) Move-in
Date:  August 19, 2024
Time:  9 AM to 12 PM
Location:  Residence Halls