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Few colleges in the United States offer Andrew’s variety of strong foundational academic programs, coupled with a small, supportive, nurturing environment. Our small class sizes, one-on-one attention, competitive athletic programs and exciting student life opportunities are just a few reasons to consider beginning your higher education journey at Andrew College.

If you are ready to make a positive impact from the first day you step foot on campus, Andrew College is the right place for you. The application process is quick and easy, and we welcome students from a large variety of backgrounds.

Scholarship opportunities and financial aid are available for all qualified Andrew College students. In fact, 95% of Andrew College students receive some sort of institutional financial support.

Don’t wait until you are a junior or senior in college to make a real difference on campus – Now is your time, and Andrew is the place.

If you are serious about getting involved as soon as you set foot on campus, Andrew is the place for you.