Cuthbert, Ga. – Andrew College officially launches the new academic year on its campus Thursday, September 2 with an opening convocation ceremony at 11 a.m. in the Jones Chapel. This ceremony marks the College’s 167th academic year since its founding in 1854. Due to the need for physical distancing, the convocation ceremony will be a closed event but will be live-streamed so that Andrew College students and members of the community will be able to participate virtually. This year’s speaker will be Amanda Knight.
Amanda Knight has taught at Andrew College since 1999, making this her twenty-third year here and earning her the title of the Faculty Marshal. She holds the rank of tenured Professor of English and currently serves as the Coordinator of Program Development and Accreditation. Among her many honors and awards, Professor Knight has been elected Faculty Chair twice, served as the Chair of the Educational Program Committee for many years, received the Governor’s Teaching Fellows Award through the University of Georgia (2017-18) and the Exemplary Teacher Award through the United Methodist General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (2016). She was awarded a USDE Fulbright-Hays GPA Grant to lead a faculty study group to South Korea and China (2010) and to participate in a USDE Fulbright-Hays GPA Grant faculty study group to Lithuania, Latvia, and Russia (2004). She has served as the Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees (2005-06) and was named Phi Theta Kappa Faculty Scholar (2005). During her thirteen years as a high school English teacher, she was named STAR Teacher twice, 1991-1992 and 1994-1995. In 2007, she published a textbook entitled Punctuation Decoded, available through Kendall Hunt Publishers or on Amazon.
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Access the Fall Convocation 2021 program HERE.
Access the live stream link HERE.