CUTHBERT, GA. – In an effort to bring families and children together to enjoy literacy activities, the Theatre and Elementary Education Programs at Andrew College are excited to announce FAMiliar Faces as a new addition to the Magnolia Alley Market. The first FAMiliar Faces Activity will take place at 11:30 am on Saturday, October 2nd in the Square during the monthly Magnolia Alley Market. Families can shop at the Market and gather with their elementary-aged children to enjoy readings of the hilarious children’s poems of Shel Silverstein. After the performance, families will be invited to join students of both programs in constructing a healthy and delicious snack. If you would like more information about the program please contact Deborah Liss-Green, Associate Professor of Theatre at deborahlissgreen@andrewcollege.edu, or Dr. Lourdes H. Smith, Assistant Professor of Education at lourdessmith@andrewcollege.edu.